This section lists the various bitmasks and constants used by the SkunkWorks API. Definitions for all of these may also be found in SkapiDefs.js and SkapiDefs.vbs.
Name |
Value |
Description |
arcSuccess | 0 | Your spellcasting attempt (or other action) succeeded. |
arcCombatMode | 2 | One of the parties entered combat mode. |
arcChargedTooFar | 28 | You charged too far! |
arcTooBusy | 29 | You're too busy! |
arcCantMoveToObject | 57 | Unable to move to object! |
arcCanceled | 81 | One of the parties canceled or moved out of range. |
arcFatigued | 1015 | You are too fatigued to attack! |
arcOutOfAmmo | 1016 | You are out of ammunition! |
arcMissleMisfire | 1017 | Your missile attack misfired! |
arcImpossibleSpell | 1018 | You've attempted an impossible spell path! |
arcDontKnowSpell | 1022 | You don't know that spell! |
arcIncorrectTarget | 1023 | Incorrect target type. |
arcOutOfComps | 1024 | You don't have all the components for this spell. |
arcNotEnoughMana | 1025 | You don't have enough Mana to cast this spell. |
arcFizzle | 1026 | Your spell fizzled. |
arcNoTarget | 1027 | Your spell's target is missing! |
arcSpellMisfire | 1028 | Your projectile spell mislaunched! |
arcSummonFailure | 1188 | You fail to summon the portal! |
arcNotAvailable | 1323 | That person is not available. |
Name |
Value |
Description |
attrNil | 0 | No attribute. |
attrStrength | 1 | |
attrEndurance | 2 | |
attrQuickness | 3 | |
attrCoordination | 4 | |
attrFocus | 5 | |
attrSelf | 6 | |
attrMax | 7 |
Name |
Value |
bpartHead | 0 | |
bpartChest | 1 | |
bpartAbdomen | 2 | |
bpartUpperArm | 3 | |
bpartLowerArm | 4 | |
bpartHand | 5 | |
bpartUpperLeg | 6 | |
bpartLowerLeg | 7 | |
bpartFoot | 8 |
Name |
Value |
Description |
chopRepeatAttacks | 0x00000002 | Automatically Repeat Attacks |
chopIgnoreAllegiance | 0x00000004 | Ignore Allegiance Requests |
chopIgnoreFellowship | 0x00000008 | Ignore Fellowship Requests |
chopAcceptGifts | 0x00000040 | Let Other Players Give You Items |
chopKeepTargetInView | 0x00000080 | Keep Combat Targets in View |
chopTooltips | 0x00000100 | Display 3D Tooltips |
chopDeceive | 0x00000200 | Attempt to Deceive Other Players |
chopRunAsDefault | 0x00000400 | Run as Default Movement |
chopStayInChat | 0x00000800 | Stay in Chat Mode After Sending a Message |
chopAdvancedCombat | 0x00001000 | Advanced Combat Interface |
chopAutoTarget | 0x00002000 | Auto Target |
chopVividTargeting | 0x00008000 | Vivid Targeting Indicator |
chopIgnoreTrade | 0x00020000 | Ignore All Trade Requests |
chopShareXP | 0x00040000 | Share Fellowship Experience |
chopAcceptCorpsePerm | 0x00080000 | Accept Corpse-Looting Permissions |
chopShareLoot | 0x00100000 | Share Fellowship Loot |
chopStretchUI | 0x00200000 | Stretch UI |
chopShowCoords | 0x00400000 | Show Coordinates By the Radar |
chopSpellDurations | 0x00800000 | Display Spell Durations |
chopDisableHouseFX | 0x02000000 | Disable House Restriction Effects |
chopDragStartsTrade | 0x04000000 | Drag Item to Player Opens Trade |
chopShowAllegianceLogons | 0x08000000 | Show Allegiance Logons |
chopUseChargeAttack | 0x10000000 | Use Charge Attack |
chopAutoFellow | 0x20000000 | Automatically Accept Fellowship Requests |
chopAllegianceChat | 0x40000000 | Listen to Allegiance Chat |
chopCraftingDialog | 0x80000000 | Use Crafting Chance of Success Dialog |
chopAcceptAllegiance | 0x00000004 | (Old name for compatibility) |
chopAcceptFellowship | 0x00000008 | (Old name for compatibility) |
Name |
Value |
Description |
chop2AlwaysDaylight | 0x00000001 | Always Daylight Outdoors |
chop2ShowDateOfBirth | 0x00000002 | Allow Others to See Your Date of Birth |
chop2ShowChessRank | 0x00000004 | Allow Others to See Your Chess Rank |
chop2ShowFishingSkill | 0x00000008 | Allow Others to See Your Fishing Skill |
chop2ShowDeaths | 0x00000010 | Allow Others to See Your Number of Deaths |
chop2ShowAge | 0x00000020 | Allow Others to See Your Age |
chop2Timestamps | 0x00000040 | Display Timestamps |
chop2SalvageMultiple | 0x00000080 | Salvage Multiple Materials at Once |
Name |
Value |
Description |
cmcGreen | 0 | |
cmcWhite | 2 | Local broadcast chat. |
cmcYellow | 3 | |
cmcDarkYellow | 4 | |
cmcMagenta | 5 | |
cmcRed | 6 | |
cmcLightBlue | 7 | |
cmcRose | 8 | |
cmcPaleRose | 9 | |
cmcDimWhite | 12 | |
cmcCyan | 13 | |
cmcPaleBlue | 14 | SkunkWorks default color. |
cmcBlue | 17 | Spellcasting. |
cmcCoral | 22 |
Name |
Value |
Description |
chrmLocal | 0x00000001 | Local chat broadcast |
chrmEmote | 0x00000002 | Local emote broadcast (@e) |
chrmFellowship | 0x00000800 | Fellowship broadcast (@f) |
chrmVassals | 0x00001000 | Patron to vassal (@v) |
chrmPatron | 0x00002000 | Vassal to patron (@p) |
chrmMonarch | 0x00004000 | Follower to monarch (@m) |
chrmCovassals | 0x01000000 | Covassal broadcast (@c) |
chrmAllegiance | 0x02000000 | Allegiance broadcast by monarch or speaker (@a) |
cmid definitions appear here in the same order they appear on AC's Keyboard Configuration screen. Where the name of a cmid differs from the descriptive text on that screen, the text appears in the Description column below.
cmid values may be concatenated using the + operator to specify a sequence of commands.
Name |
Value |
cmidMovementJump | "{MovementJump}" | |
cmidMovementForward | "{MovementForward}" | |
cmidMovementBackup | "{MovementBackup}" | |
cmidMovementTurnLeft | "{MovementTurnLeft}" | |
cmidMovementTurnRight | "{MovementTurnRight}" | |
cmidMovementWalkMode | "{MovementWalkMode}" | |
cmidMovementStop | "{MovementStop}" | |
cmidMovementStrafeRight | "{MovementStrafeRight}" | |
cmidMovementStrafeLeft | "{MovementStrafeLeft}" | |
cmidMovementRunLock | "{MovementRunLock}" | |
cmidReady | "{Ready}" | |
cmidCrouch | "{Crouch}" | |
cmidSitting | "{Sitting}" | |
cmidSleeping | "{Sleeping}" | |
cmidSelectionSelf | "{SelectionSelf}" | |
cmidSelectionPreviousCompassItem | "{SelectionPreviousCompassItem}" | |
cmidSelectionNextCompassItem | "{SelectionNextCompassItem}" | |
cmidSelectionUseNextUnopenedCorpse | "{SelectionUseNextUnopenedCorpse}" | |
cmidSelectionGive | "{SelectionGive}" | |
cmidSelectionDrop | "{SelectionDrop}" | |
cmidSelectionPickUp | "{SelectionPickUp}" | |
cmidSelectionSplitStack | "{SelectionSplitStack}" | |
cmidSelectionUseClosestUnopenedCorpse | "{SelectionUseClosestUnopenedCorpse}" | |
cmidSelectionClosestCompassItem | "{SelectionClosestCompassItem}" | |
cmidSelectionLastAttacker | "{SelectionLastAttacker}" | |
cmidSelectionClosestMonster | "{SelectionClosestMonster}" | |
cmidSelectionPreviousItem | "{SelectionPreviousItem}" | |
cmidSelectionNextItem | "{SelectionNextItem}" | |
cmidSelectionPreviousSelection | "{SelectionPreviousSelection}" | |
cmidSelectionClosestItem | "{SelectionClosestItem}" | |
cmidSelectionPreviousMonster | "{SelectionPreviousMonster}" | |
cmidSelectionNextMonster | "{SelectionNextMonster}" | |
cmidSelectionClosestPlayer | "{SelectionClosestPlayer}" | |
cmidSelectionPreviousPlayer | "{SelectionPreviousPlayer}" | |
cmidSelectionNextPlayer | "{SelectionNextPlayer}" | |
cmidSelectionPreviousFellow | "{SelectionPreviousFellow}" | |
cmidSelectionNextFellow | "{SelectionNextFellow}" | |
cmidSelectionExamine | "{SelectionExamine}" | |
cmidUSE | "{USE}" | |
cmidToggleAbusePanel | "{ToggleAbusePanel}" | |
cmidToggleCharacterInfoPanel | "{ToggleCharacterInfoPanel}" | |
cmidTogglePositiveEffectsPanel | "{TogglePositiveEffectsPanel}" | |
cmidToggleNegativeEffectsPanel | "{ToggleNegativeEffectsPanel}" | |
cmidToggleLinkStatusPanel | "{ToggleLinkStatusPanel}" | |
cmidToggleUrgentAssistancePanel | "{ToggleUrgentAssistancePanel}" | |
cmidToggleVitaePanel | "{ToggleVitaePanel}" | |
cmidToggleSocialPanel | "{ToggleSocialPanel}" | |
cmidToggleSpellManagementPanel | "{ToggleSpellManagementPanel}" | |
cmidToggleSkillManagementPanel | "{ToggleSkillManagementPanel}" | |
cmidToggleMapPanel | "{ToggleMapPanel}" | |
cmidToggleHousePanel | "{ToggleHousePanel}" | |
cmidToggleGameplayOptionsPanel | "{ToggleGameplayOptionsPanel}" | |
cmidToggleCharacterOptionsPanel | "{ToggleCharacterOptionsPanel}" | |
cmidToggleConfigOptionsPanel | "{ToggleConfigOptionsPanel}" | |
cmidToggleRadarPanel | "{ToggleRadarPanel}" | |
cmidToggleKeyboardPanel | "{ToggleKeyboardPanel}" | |
cmidCaptureScreenshot | "{CaptureScreenshot}" | |
cmidToggleHelp | "{ToggleHelp}" | |
cmidTogglePluginManager | "{TogglePluginManager}" | |
cmidToggleAllegiancePanel | "{ToggleAllegiancePanel}" | |
cmidToggleFellowshipPanel | "{ToggleFellowshipPanel}" | |
cmidToggleSpellbookPanel | "{ToggleSpellbookPanel}" | |
cmidToggleSpellComponentsPanel | "{ToggleSpellComponentsPanel}" | |
cmidToggleAttributesPanel | "{ToggleAttributesPanel}" | |
cmidToggleSkillsPanel | "{ToggleSkillsPanel}" | |
cmidToggleWorldPanel | "{ToggleWorldPanel}" | |
cmidToggleOptionsPanel | "{ToggleOptionsPanel}" | |
cmidToggleInventoryPanel | "{ToggleInventoryPanel}" | |
cmidLOGOUT | "{LOGOUT}" | |
cmidSelectQuickSlot_6 | "{SelectQuickSlot_6}" | |
cmidSelectQuickSlot_7 | "{SelectQuickSlot_7}" | |
cmidSelectQuickSlot_8 | "{SelectQuickSlot_8}" | |
cmidSelectQuickSlot_9 | "{SelectQuickSlot_9}" | |
cmidSelectQuickSlot_1 | "{SelectQuickSlot_1}" | |
cmidSelectQuickSlot_2 | "{SelectQuickSlot_2}" | |
cmidSelectQuickSlot_3 | "{SelectQuickSlot_3}" | |
cmidSelectQuickSlot_4 | "{SelectQuickSlot_4}" | |
cmidSelectQuickSlot_5 | "{SelectQuickSlot_5}" | |
cmidCreateShortcut | "{CreateShortcut}" | |
cmidUseQuickSlot_1 | "{UseQuickSlot_1}" | |
cmidUseQuickSlot_2 | "{UseQuickSlot_2}" | |
cmidUseQuickSlot_3 | "{UseQuickSlot_3}" | |
cmidUseQuickSlot_4 | "{UseQuickSlot_4}" | |
cmidUseQuickSlot_5 | "{UseQuickSlot_5}" | |
cmidUseQuickSlot_6 | "{UseQuickSlot_6}" | |
cmidUseQuickSlot_7 | "{UseQuickSlot_7}" | |
cmidUseQuickSlot_8 | "{UseQuickSlot_8}" | |
cmidUseQuickSlot_9 | "{UseQuickSlot_9}" | |
cmidToggleChatEntry | "{ToggleChatEntry}" | |
cmidMonarchReply | "{MonarchReply}" | |
cmidPatronReply | "{PatronReply}" | |
cmidReply | "{Reply}" | |
cmidEnterChatMode | "{EnterChatMode}" | |
cmidCombatToggleCombat | "{CombatToggleCombat}" | |
cmidCombatDecreaseAttackPower | "{CombatDecreaseAttackPower}" | |
cmidCombatIncreaseAttackPower | "{CombatIncreaseAttackPower}" | |
cmidCombatLowAttack | "{CombatLowAttack}" | |
cmidCombatMediumAttack | "{CombatMediumAttack}" | |
cmidCombatHighAttack | "{CombatHighAttack}" | |
cmidCombatDecreaseMissileAccuracy | "{CombatDecreaseMissileAccuracy}" | |
cmidCombatIncreaseMissileAccuracy | "{CombatIncreaseMissileAccuracy}" | |
cmidCombatAimLow | "{CombatAimLow}" | |
cmidCombatAimMedium | "{CombatAimMedium}" | |
cmidCombatAimHigh | "{CombatAimHigh}" | |
cmidUseSpellSlot_10 | "{UseSpellSlot_10}" | |
cmidUseSpellSlot_1 | "{UseSpellSlot_1}" | |
cmidUseSpellSlot_2 | "{UseSpellSlot_2}" | |
cmidUseSpellSlot_3 | "{UseSpellSlot_3}" | |
cmidUseSpellSlot_4 | "{UseSpellSlot_4}" | |
cmidUseSpellSlot_11 | "{UseSpellSlot_11}" | |
cmidUseSpellSlot_12 | "{UseSpellSlot_12}" | |
cmidCombatPrevSpellTab | "{CombatPrevSpellTab}" | |
cmidCombatNextSpellTab | "{CombatNextSpellTab}" | |
cmidCombatPrevSpell | "{CombatPrevSpell}" | |
cmidCombatCastCurrentSpell | "{CombatCastCurrentSpell}" | |
cmidCombatNextSpell | "{CombatNextSpell}" | |
cmidCombatFirstSpellTab | "{CombatFirstSpellTab}" | |
cmidCombatLastSpellTab | "{CombatLastSpellTab}" | |
cmidCombatFirstSpell | "{CombatFirstSpell}" | |
cmidCombatLastSpell | "{CombatLastSpell}" | |
cmidUseSpellSlot_5 | "{UseSpellSlot_5}" | |
cmidUseSpellSlot_6 | "{UseSpellSlot_6}" | |
cmidUseSpellSlot_7 | "{UseSpellSlot_7}" | |
cmidUseSpellSlot_8 | "{UseSpellSlot_8}" | |
cmidUseSpellSlot_9 | "{UseSpellSlot_9}" | |
cmidAFKState | "{AFKState}" | |
cmidAtEaseState | "{AtEaseState}" | |
cmidATOYOT | "{ATOYOT}" | |
cmidAkimbo | "{Akimbo}" | |
cmidAkimboState | "{AkimboState}" | |
cmidBeckon | "{Beckon}" | |
cmidBeSeeingYou | "{BeSeeingYou}" | |
cmidBlowKiss | "{BlowKiss}" | |
cmidBowDeep | "{BowDeep}" | |
cmidBowDeepState | "{BowDeepState}" | |
cmidCheer | "{Cheer}" | |
cmidClapHands | "{ClapHands}" | |
cmidClapHandsState | "{ClapHandsState}" | |
cmidCrossArmsState | "{CrossArmsState}" | |
cmidCringe | "{Cringe}" | |
cmidCry | "{Cry}" | |
cmidCurtseyState | "{CurtseyState}" | |
cmidDrudgeDance | "{DrudgeDance}" | |
cmidDrudgeDanceState | "{DrudgeDanceState}" | |
cmidHaveASeat | "{HaveASeat}" | |
cmidHaveASeatState | "{HaveASeatState}" | |
cmidHeartyLaugh | "{HeartyLaugh}" | |
cmidHelper | "{Helper}" | |
cmidKneel | "{Kneel}" | |
cmidKneelState | "{KneelState}" | |
cmidKnock | "{Knock}" | |
cmidLaugh | "{Laugh}" | |
cmidLeanState | "{LeanState}" | |
cmidMeditateState | "{MeditateState}" | |
cmidMimeDrink | "{MimeDrink}" | |
cmidMimeEat | "{MimeEat}" | |
cmidMock | "{Mock}" | |
cmidNod | "{Nod}" | |
cmidNudgeLeft | "{NudgeLeft}" | |
cmidNudgeRight | "{NudgeRight}" | |
cmidPlead | "{Plead}" | |
cmidPleadState | "{PleadState}" | |
cmidPoint | "{Point}" | |
cmidPointState | "{PointState}" | |
cmidPointDown | "{PointDown}" | |
cmidPointDownState | "{PointDownState}" | |
cmidPointLeft | "{PointLeft}" | |
cmidPointLeftState | "{PointLeftState}" | |
cmidPointRight | "{PointRight}" | |
cmidPointRightState | "{PointRightState}" | |
cmidPossumState | "{PossumState}" | |
cmidPray | "{Pray}" | |
cmidPrayState | "{PrayState}" | |
cmidReadState | "{ReadState}" | |
cmidSalute | "{Salute}" | |
cmidSaluteState | "{SaluteState}" | |
cmidScanHorizon | "{ScanHorizon}" | |
cmidScratchHead | "{ScratchHead}" | |
cmidScratchHeadState | "{ScratchHeadState}" | |
cmidShakeHead | "{ShakeHead}" | |
cmidShakeFist | "{ShakeFist}" | |
cmidShakeFistState | "{ShakeFistState}" | |
cmidShiver | "{Shiver}" | |
cmidShiverState | "{ShiverState}" | |
cmidShoo | "{Shoo}" | |
cmidShrug | "{Shrug}" | |
cmidSitState | "{SitState}" | |
cmidSitBackState | "{SitBackState}" | |
cmidSitCrossleggedState | "{SitCrossleggedState}" | |
cmidSlouch | "{Slouch}" | |
cmidSlouchState | "{SlouchState}" | |
cmidSmackHead | "{SmackHead}" | |
cmidSnowAngelState | "{SnowAngelState}" | |
cmidSpit | "{Spit}" | |
cmidSurrender | "{Surrender}" | |
cmidSurrenderState | "{SurrenderState}" | |
cmidTalktotheHandState | "{TalktotheHandState}" | |
cmidTapFoot | "{TapFoot}" | |
cmidTapFootState | "{TapFootState}" | |
cmidTeapot | "{Teapot}" | |
cmidThinkerState | "{ThinkerState}" | |
cmidWarmHands | "{WarmHands}" | |
cmidWave | "{Wave}" | |
cmidWaveState | "{WaveState}" | |
cmidWaveHigh | "{WaveHigh}" | |
cmidWaveLow | "{WaveLow}" | |
cmidWoah | "{Woah}" | |
cmidWoahState | "{WoahState}" | |
cmidWinded | "{Winded}" | |
cmidWindedState | "{WindedState}" | |
cmidYawnStretch | "{YawnStretch}" | |
cmidYMCA | "{YMCA}" | |
cmidCameraMoveToward | "{CameraMoveToward}" | |
cmidCameraMoveAway | "{CameraMoveAway}" | |
cmidCameraActivateAlternateMode | "{CameraActivateAlternateMode}" | |
cmidCameraInstantMouseLook | "{CameraInstantMouseLook}" | |
cmidCameraRotateLeft | "{CameraRotateLeft}" | |
cmidCameraRotateRight | "{CameraRotateRight}" | |
cmidCameraRotateUp | "{CameraRotateUp}" | |
cmidCameraRotateDown | "{CameraRotateDown}" | |
cmidCameraViewDefault | "{CameraViewDefault}" | |
cmidCameraViewFirstPerson | "{CameraViewFirstPerson}" | |
cmidCameraViewLookDown | "{CameraViewLookDown}" | |
cmidCameraViewMapMode | "{CameraViewMapMode}" | |
cmidAltEnter | "{AltEnter}" | |
cmidAltTab | "{AltTab}" | |
cmidAltF4 | "{AltF4}" | |
cmidCtrlShiftEsc | "{CtrlShiftEsc}" | |
cmidPointerX | "{PointerX}" | |
cmidPointerY | "{PointerY}" | |
cmidSelectLeft | "{SelectLeft}" | |
cmidSelectRight | "{SelectRight}" | |
cmidSelectMid | "{SelectMid}" | |
cmidSelectDblLeft | "{SelectDblLeft}" | |
cmidSelectDblRight | "{SelectDblRight}" | |
cmidSelectDblMid | "{SelectDblMid}" | |
cmidScrollUp | "{ScrollUp}" | |
cmidScrollDown | "{ScrollDown}" | |
cmidCursorCharLeft | "{CursorCharLeft}" | |
cmidCursorCharRight | "{CursorCharRight}" | |
cmidCursorPreviousLine | "{CursorPreviousLine}" | |
cmidCursorNextLine | "{CursorNextLine}" | |
cmidCursorPreviousPage | "{CursorPreviousPage}" | |
cmidCursorNextPage | "{CursorNextPage}" | |
cmidCursorWordLeft | "{CursorWordLeft}" | |
cmidCursorWordRight | "{CursorWordRight}" | |
cmidCursorStartOfLine | "{CursorStartOfLine}" | |
cmidCursorStartOfDocument | "{CursorStartOfDocument}" | |
cmidCursorEndOfLine | "{CursorEndOfLine}" | |
cmidCursorEndOfDocument | "{CursorEndOfDocument}" | |
cmidEscapeKey | "{EscapeKey}" | |
cmidAcceptInput | "{AcceptInput}" | |
cmidDeleteKey | "{DeleteKey}" | |
cmidBackspaceKey | "{BackspaceKey}" | |
cmidCopyText | "{CopyText}" | |
cmidCutText | "{CutText}" | |
cmidPasteText | "{PasteText}" | |
cmidPlayerOption_ViewCombatTarget | "{PlayerOption_ViewCombatTarget}" | |
cmidPlayerOption_AdvancedCombatUI | "{PlayerOption_AdvancedCombatUI}" | |
cmidPlayerOption_AcceptLootPermits | "{PlayerOption_AcceptLootPermits}" | |
cmidPlayerOption_DisplayAllegianceLogonNotifications | "{PlayerOption_DisplayAllegianceLogonNotifications}" | |
cmidPlayerOption_UseChargeAttack | "{PlayerOption_UseChargeAttack}" | |
cmidPlayerOption_UseCraftSuccessDialog | "{PlayerOption_UseCraftSuccessDialog}" | |
cmidPlayerOption_HearAllegianceChat | "{PlayerOption_HearAllegianceChat}" | |
cmidPlayerOption_DisplayDateOfBirth | "{PlayerOption_DisplayDateOfBirth}" | |
cmidPlayerOption_DisplayAge | "{PlayerOption_DisplayAge}" | |
cmidPlayerOption_DisplayChessRank | "{PlayerOption_DisplayChessRank}" | |
cmidPlayerOption_DisplayFishingSkill | "{PlayerOption_DisplayFishingSkill}" | |
cmidPlayerOption_DisplayNumberDeaths | "{PlayerOption_DisplayNumberDeaths}" | |
cmidPlayerOption_DisplayTimeStamps | "{PlayerOption_DisplayTimeStamps}" | |
cmidPlayerOption_SalvageMultiple | "{PlayerOption_SalvageMultiple}" | |
cmidPlayerOption_AutoRepeatAttack | "{PlayerOption_AutoRepeatAttack}" | |
cmidPlayerOption_IgnoreAllegianceRequests | "{PlayerOption_IgnoreAllegianceRequests}" | |
cmidPlayerOption_IgnoreFellowshipRequests | "{PlayerOption_IgnoreFellowshipRequests}" | |
cmidPlayerOption_IgnoreTradeRequests | "{PlayerOption_IgnoreTradeRequests}" | |
cmidPlayerOption_PersistentAtDay | "{PlayerOption_PersistentAtDay}" | |
cmidPlayerOption_AllowGive | "{PlayerOption_AllowGive}" | |
cmidPlayerOption_ShowTooltips | "{PlayerOption_ShowTooltips}" | |
cmidPlayerOption_UseDeception | "{PlayerOption_UseDeception}" | |
cmidPlayerOption_ToggleRun | "{PlayerOption_ToggleRun}" | |
cmidPlayerOption_StayInChatMode | "{PlayerOption_StayInChatMode}" | |
cmidPlayerOption_AutoTarget | "{PlayerOption_AutoTarget}" | |
cmidPlayerOption_VividTargetingIndicator | "{PlayerOption_VividTargetingIndicator}" | |
cmidPlayerOption_FellowshipShareXP | "{PlayerOption_FellowshipShareXP}" | |
cmidPlayerOption_FellowshipShareLoot | "{PlayerOption_FellowshipShareLoot}" | |
cmidPlayerOption_FellowshipAutoAcceptRequests | "{PlayerOption_FellowshipAutoAcceptRequests}" | |
cmidPlayerOption_StretchUI | "{PlayerOption_StretchUI}" | |
cmidPlayerOption_CoordinatesOnRadar | "{PlayerOption_CoordinatesOnRadar}" | |
cmidPlayerOption_SpellDuration | "{PlayerOption_SpellDuration}" | |
cmidPlayerOption_DisableHouseRestrictionEffects | "{PlayerOption_DisableHouseRestrictionEffects}" | |
cmidPlayerOption_DragItemOnPlayerOpensSecureTrade | "{PlayerOption_DragItemOnPlayerOpensSecureTrade}" | |
cmidCameraCloser | "{CameraCloser}" | |
cmidCameraFarther | "{CameraFarther}" | |
cmidCameraLeftRotate | "{CameraLeftRotate}" | |
cmidCameraLower | "{CameraLower}" | |
cmidCameraRaise | "{CameraRaise}" | |
cmidCameraRightRotate | "{CameraRightRotate}" | |
cmidFirstPersonView | "{FirstPersonView}" | |
cmidFloorView | "{FloorView}" | |
cmidMapView | "{MapView}" | |
cmidResetView | "{ResetView}" | |
cmidShiftView | "{ShiftView}" | |
cmidAutoRun | "{AutoRun}" | |
cmidHoldRun | "{HoldRun}" | |
cmidHoldSidestep | "{HoldSidestep}" | |
cmidJump | "{Jump}" | |
cmidSideStepLeft | "{SideStepLeft}" | |
cmidSideStepRight | "{SideStepRight}" | |
cmidTurnLeft | "{TurnLeft}" | |
cmidTurnRight | "{TurnRight}" | |
cmidWalkBackwards | "{WalkBackwards}" | |
cmidWalkForward | "{WalkForward}" | |
cmidHighAttack | "{HighAttack}" | |
cmidLowAttack | "{LowAttack}" | |
cmidMediumAttack | "{MediumAttack}" | |
cmidToggleCombat | "{ToggleCombat}" | |
cmidDecreasePowerSetting | "{DecreasePowerSetting}" | |
cmidIncreasePowerSetting | "{IncreasePowerSetting}" | |
cmidClosestCompassItem | "{ClosestCompassItem}" | |
cmidClosestItem | "{ClosestItem}" | |
cmidClosestMonster | "{ClosestMonster}" | |
cmidClosestPlayer | "{ClosestPlayer}" | |
cmidLastAttacker | "{LastAttacker}" | |
cmidNextCompassItem | "{NextCompassItem}" | |
cmidNextFellow | "{NextFellow}" | |
cmidNextItem | "{NextItem}" | |
cmidNextMonster | "{NextMonster}" | |
cmidNextPlayer | "{NextPlayer}" | |
cmidPreviousCompassItem | "{PreviousCompassItem}" | |
cmidPreviousFellow | "{PreviousFellow}" | |
cmidPreviousItem | "{PreviousItem}" | |
cmidPreviousMonster | "{PreviousMonster}" | |
cmidPreviousPlayer | "{PreviousPlayer}" | |
cmidPreviousSelection | "{PreviousSelection}" | |
cmidDropSelected | "{DropSelected}" | |
cmidExamineSelected | "{ExamineSelected}" | |
cmidGiveSelected | "{GiveSelected}" | |
cmidAutosortSelected | "{AutosortSelected}" | |
cmidSelectSelf | "{SelectSelf}" | |
cmidSplitSelected | "{SplitSelected}" | |
cmidUseSelected | "{UseSelected}" | |
cmidAllegiancePanel | "{AllegiancePanel}" | |
cmidAttributesPanel | "{AttributesPanel}" | |
cmidCharacterInformationPanel | "{CharacterInformationPanel}" | |
cmidCharacterOptionsPanel | "{CharacterOptionsPanel}" | |
cmidFellowshipPanel | "{FellowshipPanel}" | |
cmidHarmfulSpellsPanel | "{HarmfulSpellsPanel}" | |
cmidHelpfulSpellsPanel | "{HelpfulSpellsPanel}" | |
cmidHousePanel | "{HousePanel}" | |
cmidInventoryPanel | "{InventoryPanel}" | |
cmidLinkStatusPanel | "{LinkStatusPanel}" | |
cmidMapPanel | "{MapPanel}" | |
cmidOptionsPanel | "{OptionsPanel}" | |
cmidSkillsPanel | "{SkillsPanel}" | |
cmidSoundAndGraphicsPanel | "{SoundAndGraphicsPanel}" | |
cmidSpellComponentsPanel | "{SpellComponentsPanel}" | |
cmidSpellbookPanel | "{SpellbookPanel}" | |
cmidTradePanel | "{TradePanel}" | |
cmidVitaePanel | "{VitaePanel}" | |
cmidAcceptCorpseLooting | "{AcceptCorpseLooting}" | |
cmidAdvancedCombatInterface | "{AdvancedCombatInterface}" | |
cmidAttemptToDeceivePlayers | "{AttemptToDeceivePlayers}" | |
cmidAutoCreateShortcuts | "{AutoCreateShortcuts}" | |
cmidAutoRepeatAttacks | "{AutoRepeatAttacks}" | |
cmidAutoTarget | "{AutoTarget}" | |
cmidAutoTrackCombatTargets | "{AutoTrackCombatTargets}" | |
cmidDisableHouseEffect | "{DisableHouseEffect}" | |
cmidDisableWeather | "{DisableWeather}" | |
cmidDisplayTooltips | "{DisplayTooltips}" | |
cmidIgnoreAllegianceRequests | "{IgnoreAllegianceRequests}" | |
cmidIgnoreFellowshipRequests | "{IgnoreFellowshipRequests}" | |
cmidIgnoreTradeRequests | "{IgnoreTradeRequests}" | |
cmidInvertMouseLook | "{InvertMouseLook}" | |
cmidLetPlayersGiveYouItems | "{LetPlayersGiveYouItems}" | |
cmidMuteOnLosingFocus | "{MuteOnLosingFocus}" | |
cmidRightClickToMouseLook | "{RightClickToMouseLook}" | |
cmidRunAsDefaultMovement | "{RunAsDefaultMovement}" | |
cmidShareFellowshipLoot | "{ShareFellowshipLoot}" | |
cmidShareFellowshipXP | "{ShareFellowshipXP}" | |
cmidShowRadarCoordinates | "{ShowRadarCoordinates}" | |
cmidShowSpellDurations | "{ShowSpellDurations}" | |
cmidStayInChatModeAfterSend | "{StayInChatModeAfterSend}" | |
cmidStretchUI | "{StretchUI}" | |
cmidVividTargetIndicator | "{VividTargetIndicator}" | |
cmidCaptureScreenshotToFile | "{CaptureScreenshotToFile}" |
dmty values may be combined using the bitwise OR operator ("|" in JScript, "Or" in VBScript) to indicate more than one type of damage.
Name |
Value |
dmtySlashing | 0x0001 | |
dmtyPiercing | 0x0002 | |
dmtyBludgeoning | 0x0004 | |
dmtyCold | 0x0008 | |
dmtyFire | 0x0010 | |
dmtyAcid | 0x0020 | |
dmtyElectrical | 0x0040 |
eqm values may be combined using the bitwise OR operator ("|" in JScript, "Or" in VBScript) to specify multiple equipment slots.
Name |
Value |
Description |
eqmNil | 0 | No slot. |
eqmHead | 0x00000001 | |
eqmChestUnder | 0x00000002 | |
eqmAbdomenUnder | 0x00000004 | |
eqmUpperArmsUnder | 0x00000008 | |
eqmLowerArmsUnder | 0x00000010 | |
eqmHands | 0x00000020 | |
eqmUpperLegsUnder | 0x00000040 | |
eqmLowerLegsUnder | 0x00000080 | |
eqmFeet | 0x00000100 | |
eqmChestOuter | 0x00000200 | |
eqmAbdomenOuter | 0x00000400 | |
eqmUpperArmsOuter | 0x00000800 | |
eqmLowerArmsOuter | 0x00001000 | |
eqmUpperLegsOuter | 0x00002000 | |
eqmLowerLegsOuter | 0x00004000 | |
eqmNecklace | 0x00008000 | |
eqmRBracelet | 0x00010000 | |
eqmLBracelet | 0x00020000 | |
eqmBracelets | 0x00030000 | Both bracelet slots. |
eqmRRing | 0x00040000 | |
eqmLRing | 0x00080000 | |
eqmRings | 0x000C0000 | Both ring slots. |
eqmWeapon | 0x00100000 | Melee weapon slot. |
eqmShield | 0x00200000 | |
eqmRangedWeapon | 0x00400000 | Bow or crossbow slot. |
eqmAmmo | 0x00800000 | |
eqmFocusWeapon | 0x01000000 | Wand, staff, or orb slot. |
eqmWeapons | 0x01500000 | All weapons of any kind. |
eqmAll | 0x01FFFFFF | All equipment slots. |
Name |
Value |
Description |
evidNil | 0 | No event was received. |
evidOnVitals | 1 | |
evidOnLocChangeSelf | 2 | |
evidOnLocChangeOther | 3 | |
evidOnStatTotalBurden | 4 | |
evidOnStatTotalExp | 5 | |
evidOnStatUnspentExp | 6 | |
evidOnObjectCreatePlayer | 7 | |
evidOnStatSkillExp | 8 | |
evidOnAdjustStack | 9 | |
evidOnChatLocal | 10 | |
evidOnChatSpell | 11 | |
evidOnDeathSelf | 12 | |
evidOnMyPlayerKill | 13 | |
evidOnDeathOther | 14 | |
evidOnEnd3D | 15 | |
evidOnStart3D | 16 | |
evidOnStartPortalSelf | 17 | |
evidOnEndPortalSelf | 18 | |
evidOnEndPortalOther | 19 | |
evidOnCombatMode | 20 | |
evidOnAnimationSelf | 21 | |
evidOnTargetHealth | 22 | |
evidOnAddToInventory | 23 | |
evidOnRemoveFromInventory | 24 | |
evidOnAssessCreature | 25 | |
evidOnAssessItem | 26 | |
evidOnSpellFailSelf | 27 | |
evidOnMeleeEvadeSelf | 28 | |
evidOnMeleeEvadeOther | 29 | |
evidOnMeleeDamageSelf | 30 | |
evidOnMeleeDamageOther | 31 | |
evidOnLogon | 32 | |
evidOnTellServer | 33 | |
evidOnTell | 34 | |
evidOnTellMelee | 35 | |
evidOnTellMisc | 36 | |
evidOnTellFellowship | 37 | |
evidOnTellPatron | 38 | |
evidOnTellVassal | 39 | |
evidOnTellFollower | 40 | |
evidOnDeathMessage | 41 | |
evidOnSpellCastSelf | 42 | |
evidOnTradeStart | 43 | |
evidOnTradeEnd | 44 | |
evidOnTradeAdd | 45 | |
evidOnTradeReset | 46 | |
evidOnSetFlagSelf | 47 | |
evidOnSetFlagOther | 48 | |
evidOnApproachVendor | 49 | |
evidOnChatBroadcast | 50 | |
evidOnTradeAccept | 51 | |
evidOnObjectCreate | 52 | |
evidOnChatServer | 53 | |
evidOnSpellExpire | 54 | |
evidOnSpellExpireSilent | 55 | |
evidOnStatTotalPyreals | 56 | |
evidOnStatLevel | 57 | |
evidOnChatEmoteStandard | 58 | |
evidOnChatEmoteCustom | 59 | |
evidOnOpenContainer | 60 | |
evidOnPortalStormWarning | 61 | |
evidOnPortalStormed | 62 | |
evidOnCommand | 63 | |
evidOnControlEvent | 64 | |
evidOnItemManaBar | 65 | |
evidOnActionComplete | 66 | |
evidOnObjectDestroy | 67 | |
evidOnLocChangeCreature | 68 | |
evidOnMoveItem | 69 | |
evidOnSpellAdd | 70 | |
evidOnFellowCreate | 71 | |
evidOnFellowDisband | 72 | |
evidOnFellowDismiss | 73 | |
evidOnFellowQuit | 74 | |
evidOnFellowRecruit | 75 | |
evidOnMeleeLastAttacker | 76 | |
evidOnLeaveVendor | 77 | |
evidOnTimer | 78 | |
evidOnControlProperty | 79 | |
evidOnPluginMsg | 80 | |
evidOnTellAllegiance | 81 | |
evidOnTellCovassal | 82 | |
evidOnHotkey | 83 | |
evidOnFellowInvite | 84 | |
evidOnNavStop | 85 | |
evidOnFellowUpdate | 86 | |
evidOnDisconnect | 87 | |
evidOnCraftConfirm | 88 | |
evidOnChatBoxMessage | 89 | |
evidOnTipMessage | 90 | |
evidOnOpenContainerPanel | 91 | |
evidOnCloseContainer | 92 | |
evidOnChatBoxClick | 93 | |
evidMax | 94 |
ioc values may be combined using the bitwise OR operator ("|" in JScript, "Or" in VBScript).
Name |
Value |
Description |
iocNil | 0 | |
iocEnchanted | 0x00000001 | Has spells. |
iocUnknown2 | 0x00000002 | (No known meaning.) |
iocHealing | 0x00000004 | Restores health. |
iocMana | 0x00000008 | Restores mana. |
iocHearty | 0x00000010 | Restores stamina. |
iocFire | 0x00000020 | |
iocLightning | 0x00000040 | |
iocFrost | 0x00000080 | |
iocAcid | 0x00000100 |
Name |
Value |
Description |
kmoDown | 0x01 | Press the key. |
kmoUp | 0x02 | Release the key. |
kmoClick | 0x03 | Press and release. |
Name |
Value |
materialCeramic | 1 | |
materialPorcelain | 2 | |
materialCloth | 3 | |
materialLinen | 4 | |
materialSatin | 5 | |
materialSilk | 6 | |
materialVelvet | 7 | |
materialWool | 8 | |
materialGem | 9 | |
materialAgate | 10 | |
materialAmber | 11 | |
materialAmethyst | 12 | |
materialAquamarine | 13 | |
materialAzurite | 14 | |
materialBlackGarnet | 15 | |
materialBlackOpal | 16 | |
materialBloodstone | 17 | |
materialCarnelian | 18 | |
materialCitrine | 19 | |
materialDiamond | 20 | |
materialEmerald | 21 | |
materialFireOpal | 22 | |
materialGreenGarnet | 23 | |
materialGreenJade | 24 | |
materialHematite | 25 | |
materialImperialTopaz | 26 | |
materialJet | 27 | |
materialLapisLazuli | 28 | |
materialLavenderJade | 29 | |
materialMalachite | 30 | |
materialMoonstone | 31 | |
materialOnyx | 32 | |
materialOpal | 33 | |
materialPeridot | 34 | |
materialRedGarnet | 35 | |
materialRedJade | 36 | |
materialRoseQuartz | 37 | |
materialRuby | 38 | |
materialSapphire | 39 | |
materialSmokeyQuartz | 40 | |
materialSunstone | 41 | |
materialTigerEye | 42 | |
materialTourmaline | 43 | |
materialTurquoise | 44 | |
materialWhiteJade | 45 | |
materialWhiteQuartz | 46 | |
materialWhiteSapphire | 47 | |
materialYellowGarnet | 48 | |
materialYellowTopaz | 49 | |
materialZircon | 50 | |
materialIvory | 51 | |
materialLeather | 52 | |
materialDilloHide | 53 | |
materialGromnieHide | 54 | |
materialReedsharkHide | 55 | |
materialMetal | 56 | |
materialBrass | 57 | |
materialBronze | 58 | |
materialCopper | 59 | |
materialGold | 60 | |
materialIron | 61 | |
materialPyreal | 62 | |
materialSilver | 63 | |
materialSteel | 64 | |
materialStone | 65 | |
materialAlabaster | 66 | |
materialGranite | 67 | |
materialMarble | 68 | |
materialObsidian | 69 | |
materialSandstone | 70 | |
materialSerpentine | 71 | |
materialWood | 72 | |
materialEbony | 73 | |
materialMahogany | 74 | |
materialOak | 75 | |
materialPine | 76 | |
materialTeak | 77 |
Name |
Value |
Description |
mcmNil | 0x00000000 | No category; not saleable. |
mcmWeaponsMelee | 0x00000001 | |
mcmArmor | 0x00000002 | |
mcmClothing | 0x00000004 | |
mcmJewelry | 0x00000008 | |
mcmCreature | 0x00000010 | |
mcmFood | 0x00000020 | |
mcmPyreal | 0x00000040 | |
mcmMisc | 0x00000080 | |
mcmWeaponsMissile | 0x00000100 | |
mcmContainers | 0x00000200 | |
mcmMiscFletching | 0x00000400 | |
mcmGems | 0x00000800 | |
mcmSpellComponents | 0x00001000 | |
mcmBooksPaper | 0x00002000 | |
mcmKeysTools | 0x00004000 | |
mcmMagicItems | 0x00008000 | |
mcmPortal | 0x00010000 | |
mcmLockable | 0x00020000 | Chests have this is addition to mcmContainers. |
mcmTradeNotes | 0x00040000 | |
mcmManaStones | 0x00080000 | |
mcmServices | 0x00100000 | |
mcmPlants | 0x00200000 | |
mcmCookingItems1 | 0x00400000 | |
mcmAlchemicalItems1 | 0x00800000 | |
mcmFletchingItems1 | 0x01000000 | |
mcmCookingItems2 | 0x02000000 | |
mcmAlchemicalItems2 | 0x04000000 | |
mcmFletchingItems2 | 0x08000000 | |
mcmLifestone | 0x10000000 | |
mcmTinkeringTools | 0x20000000 | The Ust is in this category. |
mcmSalvageBag | 0x40000000 | |
mcmChessboard | 0x80000000 | There may be other items in this category as well. |
Name |
Value |
Description |
oidNil | 0 | Signifies no object. |
ipackMain | 0 | Index of the main pack. |
iitemNil | -1 | Signifies the pack itself. |
clrNil | 0x7FFFFFFF | VBScript has a problem with FFFFFFFF (turns it into 0000FFFF). |
spellidNil | 0 | Signifies no spell. |
Name |
Value |
Description |
ibuttonLeft | 0 | Left button. |
ibuttonRight | 1 | Right button. |
ibuttonMiddle | 2 | Middle button. |
Name |
Value |
noptWalk | 0x0001 | |
noptStopOnArrival | 0x0002 | |
noptZigzag | 0x0004 |
Name |
Value |
Description |
nscArrived | 0 | You arrived at the target location. |
nscTimeout | 1 | You did not arrive before the timeout expired. |
nscCanceled | 2 | skapi.CancelNav was called. |
ocm values may be combined using the bitwise OR operator ("|" in JScript, "Or" in VBScript) to specify multiple categories.
Name |
Value |
Description |
ocmNil | 0x0000 | Include no objects. |
ocmPlayer | 0x0001 | |
ocmMonster | 0x0002 | |
ocmPlayerCorpse | 0x0004 | |
ocmMonsterCorpse | 0x0008 | |
ocmLifestone | 0x0010 | |
ocmPortal | 0x0020 | |
ocmMerchant | 0x0040 | |
ocmEquipment | 0x0080 | |
ocmPK | 0x0100 | |
ocmNonPK | 0x0200 | |
ocmNPC | 0x0400 | |
ocmHook | 0x0800 | |
ocmAll | -1 | Include all nearby objects of any kind. |
olc values may be combined using the bitwise OR operator ("|" in JScript, "Or" in VBScript) to specify multiple categories.
Name |
Value |
Description |
olcNil | 0x0000 | Include no objects. |
olcInventory | 0x0001 | Include objects in your inventory. |
olcContained | 0x0002 | Include objects contained in another object (e.g. a chest or corpse). |
olcEquipped | 0x0004 | Include objects being worn or wielded (by you or someone else). |
olcOnGround | 0x0008 | Include objects out on their own in the game world. |
olcAll | -1 | Include all object regardless of location. |
Name |
Value |
Description |
otyContainer | 0x00000001 | |
otyInscribable | 0x00000002 | |
otyNoPickup | 0x00000004 | |
otyPlayer | 0x00000008 | |
otySelectable | 0x00000010 | |
otyPK | 0x00000020 | |
otyReadable | 0x00000100 | |
otyMerchant | 0x00000200 | |
otyDoor | 0x00001000 | |
otyCorpse | 0x00002000 | |
otyLifestone | 0x00004000 | |
otyFood | 0x00008000 | |
otyHealingKit | 0x00010000 | |
otyLockpick | 0x00020000 | |
otyPortal | 0x00040000 | |
otyFoci | 0x00800000 | The new magic foci, I think. |
otyPKL | 0x02000000 |
opm values may be combined using the bitwise OR operator ("|" in JScript, "Or" in VBScript) to send output to multiple destinations.
Name |
Value |
Description |
opmDebugLog | 0x0001 | Sends the output to the debug terminal (using the Win32 OutputDebugString API). |
opmConsole | 0x0002 | Sends the output to the SkunkWorks console window. |
opmChatWnd | 0x0010 | Sends the output to the primary in-game chat window. |
opmChatWnd1 | 0x0020 | Sends the output to floating chat window #1. |
opmChatWnd2 | 0x0040 | Sends the output to floating chat window #2. |
opmChatWnd3 | 0x0080 | Sends the output to floating chat window #3. |
opmChatWnd4 | 0x0100 | Sends the output to floating chat window #4. |
opmChatWndAll | 0x01F0 | Sends the output to all in-game chat windows. |
Name |
Value |
Description |
pligNotRunning | 0 | Game is not running. |
pligAtLogin | 1 | Game is at login screen. |
pligInPortal | 2 | Player is in portal space. |
pligInWorld | 3 | Player is in the game world. |
Name |
Value |
Description |
pswStormEnded | 0 | The portal storm is over. |
pswMildStorm | 1 | Mild portal storm. |
pswHeavyStorm | 2 | Heavy portal storm. |
Name |
Value |
Description |
skidNil | 0 | No skill. |
skidAxe | 1 | |
skidBow | 2 | |
skidCrossbow | 3 | |
skidDagger | 4 | |
skidMace | 5 | |
skidMeleeDefense | 6 | |
skidMissileDefense | 7 | |
skidSpear | 9 | |
skidStaff | 10 | |
skidSword | 11 | |
skidThrownWeapons | 12 | |
skidUnarmedCombat | 13 | |
skidArcaneLore | 14 | |
skidMagicDefense | 15 | |
skidManaConversion | 16 | |
skidItemTinkering | 18 | |
skidAssessPerson | 19 | |
skidDeception | 20 | |
skidHealing | 21 | |
skidJump | 22 | |
skidLockpick | 23 | |
skidRun | 24 | |
skidAssessCreature | 27 | |
skidWeaponTinkering | 28 | |
skidArmorTinkering | 29 | |
skidMagicItemTinkering | 30 | |
skidCreatureEnchantment | 31 | |
skidItemEnchantment | 32 | |
skidLifeMagic | 33 | |
skidWarMagic | 34 | |
skidLeadership | 35 | |
skidLoyalty | 36 | |
skidFletching | 37 | |
skidAlchemy | 38 | |
skidCooking | 39 | |
skidSalvaging | 40 | |
skidTwoHanded | 41 | |
skidGearcraft | 42 | |
skidVoidMagic | 43 | |
skidHeavyWeapons | 44 | |
skidLightWeapons | 45 | |
skidFinesseWeapons | 46 | |
skidMissileWeapons | 47 | |
skidShield | 48 | |
skidDualWield | 49 | |
skidRecklessness | 50 | |
skidSneakAttack | 51 | |
skidDirtyFighting | 52 | |
skidSummoning | 54 | |
skidMax | 60 |
Name |
Value |
sktsUnusable | 0 | |
sktsUntrained | 1 | |
sktsTrained | 2 | |
sktsSpecialized | 3 |
Name |
Description |
{alt} | ||
{back} | Backspace | |
{break} | Ctrl+Break | |
{capslock} | ||
{control} | ||
{del} | ||
{down} | Down arrow | |
{end} | ||
{esc} | ||
{f1} | ||
{f2} | ||
{f3} | ||
{f4} | ||
{f5} | ||
{f6} | ||
{f7} | ||
{f8} | ||
{f9} | ||
{f10} | ||
{f11} | ||
{f12} | ||
{home} | ||
{ins} | ||
{keypad 0} | ||
{keypad 1} | ||
{keypad 2} | ||
{keypad 3} | ||
{keypad 4} | ||
{keypad 5} | ||
{keypad 6} | ||
{keypad 7} | ||
{keypad 8} | ||
{keypad 9} | ||
{keypad *} | ||
{keypad +} | ||
{keypad -} | ||
{keypad /} | ||
{keypad .} | ||
{keypad enter} | Keypad Enter | |
{left} | Left arrow | |
{numlock} | ||
{pause} | ||
{pgdn} | ||
{pgup} | ||
{prtsc} | Print Screen | |
{return} | Enter (the regular one, above RShift) | |
{right} | Right arrow | |
{scroll} | Scroll Lock | |
{shift} | ||
{space} | Spacebar | |
{tab} | ||
{up} | Up arrow |
Name |
Value |
speciesInvalid | 0 | |
speciesOlthoi | 1 | |
speciesBanderling | 2 | |
speciesDrudge | 3 | |
speciesMosswart | 4 | |
speciesLugian | 5 | |
speciesTumerok | 6 | |
speciesMite | 7 | |
speciesTusker | 8 | |
speciesPhyntosWasp | 9 | |
speciesRat | 10 | |
speciesAuroch | 11 | |
speciesCow | 12 | |
speciesGolem | 13 | |
speciesUndead | 14 | |
speciesGromnie | 15 | |
speciesReedshark | 16 | |
speciesArmoredillo | 17 | |
speciesFae | 18 | |
speciesVirindi | 19 | |
speciesWisp | 20 | |
speciesKnathtead | 21 | |
speciesShadow | 22 | |
speciesMattekar | 23 | |
speciesMumiyah | 24 | |
speciesRabbit | 25 | |
speciesSclavus | 26 | |
speciesShallowsShark | 27 | |
speciesMonouga | 28 | |
speciesZefir | 29 | |
speciesSkeleton | 30 | |
speciesHuman | 31 | |
speciesShreth | 32 | |
speciesChittick | 33 | |
speciesMoarsman | 34 | |
speciesOlthoiLarvae | 35 | |
speciesSlithis | 36 | |
speciesDeru | 37 | |
speciesFireElemental | 38 | |
speciesSnowman | 39 | |
speciesUnknown | 40 | |
speciesBunny | 41 | |
speciesLightningElemental | 42 | |
speciesRockslide | 43 | |
speciesGrievver | 44 | |
speciesNiffis | 45 | |
speciesUrsuin | 46 | |
speciesCrystal | 47 | |
speciesHollowMinion | 48 | |
speciesScarecrow | 49 | |
speciesIdol | 50 | |
speciesEmpyrean | 51 | |
speciesHopeslayer | 52 | |
speciesDoll | 53 | |
speciesMarionette | 54 | |
speciesCarenzi | 55 | |
speciesSiraluun | 56 | |
speciesAunTumerok | 57 | |
speciesHeaTumerok | 58 | |
speciesSimulacrum | 59 | |
speciesAcidElemental | 60 | |
speciesFrostElemental | 61 | |
speciesElemental | 62 | |
speciesStatue | 63 | |
speciesWall | 64 | |
speciesAlteredHuman | 65 | |
speciesDevice | 66 | |
speciesHarbinger | 67 | |
speciesDarkSarcophagus | 68 | |
speciesChicken | 69 | |
speciesGotrokLugian | 70 | |
speciesMargul | 71 | |
speciesBleachedRabbit | 72 | |
speciesNastyRabbit | 73 | |
speciesGrimacingRabbit | 74 | |
speciesBurun | 75 | |
speciesTarget | 76 | |
speciesGhost | 77 | |
speciesFiun | 78 | |
speciesEater | 79 | |
speciesPenguin | 80 | |
speciesRuschk | 81 | |
speciesThrungus | 82 | |
speciesViamontianKnight | 83 | |
speciesRemoran | 84 | |
speciesSwarm | 85 | |
speciesMoar | 86 | |
speciesEnchantedArms | 87 | |
speciesSleech | 88 | |
speciesMukkir | 89 | |
speciesMerwart | 90 | |
speciesFood | 91 | |
speciesParadoxOlthoi | 92 | |
speciesHarvest | 93 | |
speciesEnergy | 94 | |
speciesApparition | 95 | |
speciesAerbax | 96 | |
speciesTouched | 97 | |
speciesBlightedMoarsman | 98 | |
speciesGearKnight | 99 | |
speciesGurog | 100 |
Name |
Value |
Description |
vitalNil | 0 | |
vitalHealthMax | 1 | |
vitalHealthCur | 2 | Cannot be used with skapi.SkinfoFromVital. |
vitalStaminaMax | 3 | |
vitalStaminaCur | 4 | Cannot be used with skapi.SkinfoFromVital. |
vitalManaMax | 5 | |
vitalManaCur | 6 | Cannot be used with skapi.SkinfoFromVital. |
vitalMax | 7 |
Name |
Value |
Description |
wemNormal | 0 | Returns when timeout elapsed or the queue is empty. |
wemSingle | 1 | Waits for a single event of any type. |
wemSpecific | 2 | Waits for a specific event type. |
wemFullTimeout | 3 | Always waits the full timeout interval. |